UserEcho changelog

Sergey Stukov co-founder
  • обновлен

We post info about UserEcho improvements and updates here. To see latest updates order comments by Newest first. Follow or vote for this topic to stay in touch.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

New settings: Allow to users to vote for closed topics

By default, we turn off the vote for closed topics. Now you are able to allow your users to vote even for these topics.

Sergey Stukov co-founder
Sergey Stukov co-founder

We have added new feature:

Now, it's possible to undo "Mark as answer" action

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

New feature: Agent's access permissions per forum.

We've improved agent's access permissions. Now you are able to provide permissions to support agents per forum (previously you could do this for the entire project only). To edit this settings go to Project settnigs->Users->Support agents. Then click "Edit" on specified support agent.

1. Simple permissions' form. The agent has access to all forums with the same permissions.

2. Custom permissions' form. The agent has access to some forums with specified permissions per forum.

3. Agents access per forum. You are able to see the access map per forum (to whom and what type of access granted to the forum)

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

New feature: Login settings.

We've changed our Sign in/Sign up popup form.

Also we significantly improved our Sign in/Sign up embedded form (When the user sign in directly from a topic form)

Also we've added settings for login form. Now you are able to select what buttons show for external authentication systems and change their order. You can find this settings in your Project settings->Login settings.

As a bonus, we've added new type for SSO authentication. If you use "SSO only" authentication, now you can open your SSO authentication form in a new window (do not force redirect to your site). This feature is in beta now.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

New API method: POST users/get_or_create

The method returns existing user by email or create a new user in your project.

Example: if you want to post a topic on behalf of another user and do not know if he is already registered. Call the method and you will receive the user ID. Then you can make a call on behalf of this user

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

New API method: POST forums/[forum_id]/upload/[file|image]

The method uploads a file or image to your project and returns data, include relative URL. You can use this URL to create topics or knowledge base articles with embedded images or attached files via API.

Please note, this API request is not available for trial period.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

New API methods: Users groups

GET users/groups. - returns list of users groups.

POST users/groups

PUT users/groups

DELETE users/groups

This methods help to manage users groups via API.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

New features: Copy forum, Copy topic type, Copy topic status.

Now can set up a forum and do not spend a time to set up another one. Just copy it from the first.

Same feature is available for topic types and topic statuses.

Vladimir Mullagaliyev co-founder

New feature: Filter topics by user's group in the Agent's interface.

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